The annual dues for membership in LIBROS are $30.
Membership year is September 1 – August 31.
(New members joining on or after March 1, partial year’s membership is $15).
If you’d like to join LIBROS, either drop by our next meeting with your cash or check, or mail your check (see instructions below).
Contact our Treasurer with any questions (see Contact page)
Download Membership Form (PDF) and mail it with your check to:
Susan Wright
LIBROS Treasurer
PO Box 336,
Glorieta, NM 87535
Annual Membership Fee: $30.00/year
Membership year is September 1 – August 31. (If joining after March 1, partial year’s membership is $15.)
Please make check payable to “LIBROS”
Contact our Treasurer with any questions, concerns (see Contacts). (Please include "LIBROS Membership" in your Subject line).
Those members not renewing by the end of October will be dropped from the membership roster.
As a LIBROS member you can attend programs at member rates, borrow books from our library, and take part in our annual collaborative book project.
Lists updated 2-2025.
Read more about the LIBROS Book Lending Library on our Calendar or Newsletter pages.