LIBROS is New Mexico’s Book Arts Guild offering a variety of inspiration for both traditional and experimental artist’s books. We hold regular meetings on the 1st Saturday of the month, as well as annual and special exhibits.
We welcome new members and guests – please see our Calendar page a full list of upcoming meetings.
More details on our Calendar page....
Check your Newsletter email for more details.
Let’s make a handful of fun paper/glass pieces for bedazzling. We will also create a couple of Valentines (it is that time…already!) and a tiny book or two.
In order to receive a kit for the program, please see your email for details and a supply list to have on hand.
About Anne Engelhardt:
What do I love more? Paper or Polka Dots? I think it depends on the day. Working with my hands is my meditation. As long as I can remember, I have been a maker--my appreciation and fascination for the decorative arts/crafts runs deep.
As a serial entrepreneur (emphasis on serial), combined with a passion for design and making, I have had the great fortune to earn a living doing what I love. I am an art school drop-out who went on to start, operate and, in some cases, sell the following businesses: AE Design, Papers!, Books by Hand, Solum World Paper, Paper Palette, PaperGami, Craft Fantastic and Creative Culture. In the nineties, I taught book art workshops across the country. In the first decade of this century, I worked in product development internationally. Overall, my life has been spent with paper and all things paper related! Lately, I have been digitally obsessed with vintage, public domain images, collage and designing on my computer.
Learn more about Anne on her websites: and
Please Like the LIBROS page on Facebook for upcoming news & events: Facebook/LIBROS New Mexico Book Arts Guild
LIBROS meets on the 1st Saturday from 9am to 12 noon (unless noted).
9:00–9:30 Social Time
9:30–10:00 Show & Tell
10:00 Meeting begins.
Manzano Mesa Center
501 Elizabeth SE
Albuquerque, NM 87123
[Google maps]
Members receive a detailed email Newsletter with upcoming programs, Zoom links, and materials required listings. So Join today!
Lists updated 9-2018.
Read more about the LIBROS Book Lending Library on our Calendar or Newsletter pages.
Don’t leave home without your bookbinding kit! Remember that many of our meetings are “hands-on” and the best way to learn new techniques is to try them yourself!